LobbyFix Devices and Apps
LobbyFix works on any device with an internet connection, including smartphones, tablets, iPads, laptops, and computers. Should I Use the Mobile App or the Web Version? For account management and visitor registration, use the web version at panel.lobbyfix.com or the Android App.Some readersHow to Link an iPad?
To set up Self-Register on an iPad, follow these steps: 1️⃣ In your LobbyFix account in the web, go to the Self-Register section and assign a name or alias to your device (e.g., "Lobby iPad 1"). This helps you distinguish it if you have multiple linked iPads. 2️⃣ Download the LobbyFix Front Desk app on your iPad from the App Store. 3️⃣ Generate a linking code (valid for 15 minutes). 4️⃣ Enter the code in the LobbyFix Front Desk app on your iPad. That’s it! You can liSome readersWhat Devices Are Required to Use LobbyFix in My Facilities?
The only requirement to operate LobbyFix is a device (smartphone, computer, tablet, or iPad) with an internet connection. If you need to scan QR codes, make sure the device has a camera.Few readersLobbyFix on Mobile
LobbyFix works on any device with an internet connection, including smartphones, tablets, iPads, laptops, and computers. For Administrators: How to Use LobbyFix on Mobile You can use the Android app or create a shortcut to the web platform on your phone. Here’s how: 1 - Open your LobbyFix account in a browser at panel.lobbyfix.com 2 - Tap the three-dot menu or options buttonFew readersHow Many iPads Can I Link to My Account?
You can link unlimited iPads to LobbyFix. Assign a custom alias to each iPad to help you identify its location (e.g., "Office Area iPad")Few readersDo I Need to Download the LobbyFix App on an iPad?
If you want your visitors to self-register, you need to install the app and link the device to your account. It’s a simple process—just download "LobbyFix Front Desk" from the App Store.Few readersWhat Can I Do If the Camera Is Not Working?
To check in a visitor from the web panel, you may need to grant camera access on your phone, tablet, or computer. The camera is used for scanning QR codes or taking visitor photos during check-in. If the camera is not working, you won’t be able to scan QR codes or take photos for visitor records. Depending on your browser, you may see a message like: "Camera access is blocked." This usually happens when browser permissions have beeFew readersIs an iPad Required?
An iPad is not necessary for LobbyFix to work, except if you want visitors to self-register. You can connect as many iPads as needed based on your visitor flow. If you don’t have an iPad, visitors can self-register by scanning the Reception QR Code available in the "Self-Register" section, or reception staff can manually check them in using a computer with a webcam.Few readers